What You Get with Our Traffic Packages...
Free Niche Targeting With Every Order...
We provide extreme targeting for FREE with every order. (Our competitors charge for niche targeting). Extreme Targeting allows advertisers to send real-time targeted messages reaching consumers while they are surfing the web. For example, let's say your company sells Web Hosting. Extreme Targeting knows which consumers are visiting Web Hosting - related sites and demonstrating an interest in your category. We can deliver your message ANYWHERE on the web. When someone visits a Web Hosting - related sites Extreme Targeting will popup or pop-under your advertisement ( even at your competitor's site! ).
Niche Categories Available:
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"Unlock Our Traffic Chest To Receive A Flood of Real And Guaranteed Visitors Straight To Your Site..
Dear Frustrated Webmaster, Do you know why almost every online business fails? It's simple really. They don't have anyone visiting their websites. The web has become so large that unless you spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising nobody is going to find you. If people can't find you, they can't order anything from you. To put it simply: No Traffic = No Sales. Almost all retailers spend 40% of their advertising budget on paid traffic. For instance, while retailers of clothing and accessories keep aside 42% of their marketing funds for paid traffic, beauty care retailers assign 43%. The general goods retailers allocate 39%, home retailers, 34%, and sporting goods and accessories retailers, 44%. In fact, According to the 2014 Q4 statistics of Google, its paid clicks rose from 71% in Q3 to 74.4%. This clearly proves that the efficacy and the popularity of using paid traffic method.
With Our Brand New Traffic Chest program, ALL of the tedious and pain-staking work that normally goes along with bringing quality traffic to your site -- is completely done for you! All traffic will be delivered to any web url that you choose in 7 days or less! No frustration, no advertising budget needed, no guesswork - just thousands of website visitors sent directly to the website of your choosing!! Can you really afford not to take us up on this offer?
What Sets The Hotlist Traffic Chest Apart From The Rest? MOST TRAFFIC SERVICES SEND CRAPPY TRAFFIC! In fact most users within other traffic provider sites will NEVER SEE YOUR SITE! This is because most services use tricks to load your page without ever being seen - indeed, they send the same visitor to tens or even hundreds of sites! The worst part is that they never even tell you... your counter moves, but you make no sales!
Our Traffic Packages = Guaranteed Visitors To Your Site! Targeted guaranteed traffic can provide you with an instant audience specifically interested in what you are offering. Our promotional services assist in increasing sales, generating leads, establishing new customers, and creating brand awareness. Targeted unique visitors are delivered to your site through full page pop-unders for maximum conversion and penetration. We realize that classified, banner, eZine, and even search engine advertising is not always enough for webmasters today! The competition is tough and as webmasters we MUST maintain a constant flow of site traffic in order to increase our profits, keep our partners happy, and increase our ad revenue. We created this new service to help others out there like us, who would like to increase our website traffic, search engine ratings and sales by sending guaranteed and unique website visitors daily!
How We Send Traffic To Your Web Site.. We have developed a unique system that allows us to deliver quality traffic to your website. We promise you we only use 100% legal and ethical techniques to generate traffic. The traffic we deliver consists of real visitors looking at your website. We don't trick anyone into visiting your website or use hidden frames or other dishonest tactics. If you purchase 5,000 visitors, 5,000 real people will visit your site. We only deliver genuine, quality traffic to your website. We only offer unique targeted traffic that is delivered through our exclusive network of over 8500 websites and software applications. We offer all our traffic resellers one fixed price on targeted traffic with options to geotarget to the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, European Union, Asia, Latin America and Australia. We own and operate many well-known internet websites. Our current portfolio consist of over 1500 websites internet wide, including 3 established search engines, 2 internet service providers, movie sites, social networking sites, on line gaming sites, and a well known domain registrar which currently hosts over 5000 ad supported websites (expired domain traffic). Additionally, we recently acquired a leading provider of free on line content which can currently be found on over 12,000 websites internet wide. These internet properties generate over 2,000,000 unique visitors per day and generate between 25MM - 40MM ad impression each day.
You can't lose using the Hotlist Traffic Chest... Sit Back & Enjoy...
Automotive |
Business Opps. |
Business Services |
Entertainment |
Family |
Education |
Financial Services |
Health |
Home & Garden |
Software/Computers |
Medical |
Legal |
Shopping |
Travel |
Web Services |
Advertising |
Home & Garden |
Special Events |
Male |
Female |
Real Estate |
Pets |
Music |
Movies |
Software |
College Students |
Employment |
Business |
Who Our Customers Are...
Frequently Asked Questions...
Q: How long will it take to get my visitors?
A: When you purchase a package, we will work with you to schedule a start date for your program. After that start date, visitors will come in to your site. Some days you may get 400 or more visitors, other days you might get only a few. However, we guarantee that you will get the number of visitors promised within a month.
Q: What is a "Unique Visitor"? Is this the same as a hit?
A: A unique visit is counted when someone views a web page without pressing reload on their browser. Further, the person cannot have visited that page for a while. Unique visits are also known as "sessions." A hit is not necessarily a unique visit. Technically, a hit occurs whenever a file is loaded... when you loaded this page, you generate quite a few hits one for each image you loaded and one for the page itself. In common usage, people are referring to unique visits when they talk about hits. WE COUNT UNIQUE VISITS, NOT HITS.
Q: Do you have any restrictions on the content of my site?
A: Sorry, but we cannot send traffic to sites which promote adult pornography, hate, violence, or illegal activities.
Q: Do you GUARANTEE your results?
A: Absolutely! If you don't get the number of visitors you purchased within 7 days, we will refund your money. However, this has NEVER HAPPENED indeed, we usually OVER DELIVER!
Order Tonight Before Midnight , And Receive The Following Free Gifts..
Our LOW Pricing Will Not Last Long - You Must Order Today!
Our traffic packages are of highest quality and lowest prices! We invite you to check around other sites for the same 100% unique guarantee that we can offer you at these prices! With services like this, anyone can succeed on the Internet!
You only have 1 decision to make when ordering your traffic..
1. Which web site will receive a flood of extra traffic starting in just a few hours? If you have a web site that needs a little extra help ... you have come to the right place! Give us your web site url and let us do the rest.
Once your payment has been processed, you will receive further instructions via eMail and Paypal will instantly transfer you to our order success and campaign submission page! This is a one time fee for 5,000 guaranteed web site visitors but if you need more then Monthly packages are already here.
Our guarantee is simple and straightforward. If you do not receive the agreed upon hits in one month you will be refunded any unused portion. We have not received one request for a refund, because we always deliver on our promises.
Place Your Order Today - Gain More Traffic Tomorrow!
Happy Profiting,
Administration Store & The Hotlist Admin.
P.S. Can you really afford NOT to take advantage of our traffic packages? With our guarantee you can't lose...you only have new sales, profits and traffic to gain! Give us a try! You'll be glad that you did!
Whilst every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using the products, the ideas and the techniques. We do not purport this as a get rich scheme. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills.
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